Friday, October 1, 2010

Herbert Takes the Bait

The Trib's report on the 2nd gubernatorial debate indicates the dialogue was 'nasty.'

Most of the animosity seems to center around the I-15 bid "pay for play" scandal or lack thereof or whatever it is. The Corroon campaign is brilliantly running with this issue. And the reason why it's working is because the Herbert campaign is taking the bait! My question is why? Because now the issue has serious legs, the press is eating it up, and it's giving Corroon so much more air time than without.

Herbert should have just laid out the facts, opened up the records, dismissed it as an ongoing campaign issue and focus on the economy (stupid). But every time Corroon brings it up you can tell he's getting under Herbert's skin. Herbert can't help himself but respond - as if it's a personal attack on his integrity. Note to Gary - IT'S NOT - unless YOU make it so which you are doing. SO STOP!


  1. I shook hands with the Gov at a minipep rally just before he went over to the debate. It was interesting--I've not seen him in person since before the state convention, and it's obvious things have changed since then. He's going to win, there's no doubt about that, and I think it must be difficult not to get distracted by the attacks of a soon-to-be-also-ran candidate like Peter.

    and Peter's not a bad guy...I honestly believe that he's been pushed into these attacks by his handlers, by his hardcore D campaign staff, and that if it were left up to him, he'd stick to the old school gentility that Utah is better known for.

    On the other hand, Howard Dean is his cousin, so what the heck do I know? Maybe nature is stronger than nurture.


  2. I think you are spot on regarding Corroon. He's being handled. Too bad really.
