Friday, April 16, 2010

He's BaaAAAck....

So it's been a long time since I last posted. I stopped blogging when Utah County GOP Chair, Taylor Oldroyd asked me to be on the UTCO Steering Committee. I felt it was just too difficult to blog and still maintain a sense of neutrality among the various elected officials, initiatives, and candidates. So I took a break.

A little over a month ago I realized I was just too busy with family, work, and everything else to really be useful and effective on the Steering Committee so I resigned. I really did enjoy serving on the SC. The SC had some real lively discussion and it was a great opportunity to have influence on the direction of the county party. There really is a diversity of ideas on the Committee which I think is a good thing.

I'm looking forward to blogging a bit more regularly again. So for the two people who occasionally read this blog before - Thanks

1 comment:

  1. "Resigning from a committee." Huh. Interesting. I don't Christian has ever heard of that.
