Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Provo Mayor's Race Get's a Whole Lot More Interesting

The Daily Herald reported today that the County Attorney's office is investigating Steve Clark's campaign for Provo Mayor over alleged bribery by offering one of his opponents and a sitting Councilman a job in his administration if they supported his campaign.

You can read the article here

I've heard these rumors in the Provo mayor's race for a while now. As I understand, other people, not mentioned in the article were also offered positions.

I'm anxious to see what the County Attorney's office finds out through their investigation. From working on a number of campaigns myself I know at least at the Federal level it is illegal for a candidate to offer anyone a position on their staff before they are elected. I'm assuming if the County Attorney's office is investigating that it is also illegal in this case, but I don't really know to be honest.

At this point, as the article states this is all rumor. And truth be told what I've heard is only second and sometimes third-hand accounts of what Steve said to various individuals.

BUT - I do have to say, that I believe enough of these types of conversations have happened that if not the letter of the law was broken (if there is such a law), but certainly the spirit of the law has been broken.

It's common for elected officials to hire campaign staffers after a successful campaign. Afterall, there is a relationship there, trust, and really they've probably spent the better part of a year or longer working together. So I get that...the problem however, is really an ethical one.

You cannot and simply should not bribe a staffer or any other individual with a promised job or other position if they will support your campaign. Whether overtly, implied, passivly suggested in casual conversation or whatever, this is dangerous territory and Steve should have never EVER gone there.

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