Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Brand in Trouble

With yesterday's bizarre news about Republican South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford admitting to an affair with a woman from Argentina, coupled with the previous week's admission from Senator Ensign (R-NV) of infidelity, I have to wonder where does that leave the national Republican Party?

I don't think the timing could be worse. As this NYTimes article points out, the President was beginning to show some signs of waining support for his health care initiatives and a reluctance to publicly support the Iranian protesters.

Now this. I'm a bit embarrassed to be part of the national party right now. We don't practice what we preach on issues like family values any more. I understand nobody is perfect, but geesh these two guys were often mentioned as potential Presidential candidates for crying out loud. I think this really opens the door a bit further for someone like Mitt Romney in 2012.

Our own State GOP is in a bit of an image crisis as well. In today's SLTrib Herriman Representative Carl Wimmer was taken to task for his relationship with recently indicted businessman Rick Koerber. While I believe the story makes a pretty weak argument for a conflict of interest, still the public association doesn't help a state party still reeling from a cloudy ethics reputation.

I guess that sometimes life is more fascinating than fiction and we should all be entertained by the gossip, but really is hoping for elected leaders we can truly trust and believe in too much to ask for?

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